

Northern Ireland
January 2014
_ Si parte da Derry | Let's start from Derry
_ Oggi... torta cioccolato e cocco! | Chocolate and coconut cake!
_ Weekend in Aberdeen
_ Paella spagnola | Spanish Paella
_ La ricetta della domenica - Lasagne alla bolognese | Sunday's recipe: Lasagne with Bolognese Sauce
_ Light, ma con gusto: pane rustico al cacao e latte | Light, not tasteless! Cocoa and milk bread 

February 2014
Un giorno a Belfast tra mercatini e il Titanic | Belfast in one day through Sunday's markets and Titanic
_ Goodbye Derry
_ Sulla via del ritorno... Rugby 6 nazioni a Dublino: Irlanda vs Galles | Going back to Italy... a stop in Dublin for 6 Nation Rugby Match: Ireland vs Wales

Home - Italy
February 2014
_ San Valentino Made in... Casa | A "Homemade" Valentine's Day
_ Dolce e Salato 2014; per dare più gusto alla loro città
_ Cantine "Al Rocol" | "Al Rocol" Winery
_ Scoprendo Bologna tra cucina emiliana e Wermeer
_ Arriva il Carnevale... arrivano le sfrappole ! Mardi Gras is coming... It's time for sfrappole

March 2014
_ Di ritorno e... Laureata! | I'm back... and I graduated!
_ Una torta speciale per la festa del papà | A special cake for the Father's Day

Sud-est asiatico
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014

New Zealand
July 2014
August 2014
September 2014
October 2014
November 2014

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